viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

Sopa boniata

2 boniatos medianos
1/2 morrón rojo
1/2 morrón amarillo
4 cebollitas de verdeo
1 cebolla

Cocinar todo en agua y sal. Licuar un poco.

1 comentario:

  1. Your Affiliate Money Printing Machine is ready -

    And making money with it is as easy as 1---2---3!

    Follow the steps below to make money...

    STEP 1. Input into the system which affiliate products the system will advertise
    STEP 2. Add some PUSH button traffic (it ONLY takes 2 minutes)
    STEP 3. Watch the system grow your list and upsell your affiliate products all by itself!

    Do you want to start making money??

    Click here to launch the system
